Gleam Sky

Install Redmine

1. Download and extract the archive or checkout Redmine.

cd [web home]

svn co redmine

2. Create an empty database named redmine for example.

For MySQL:

create database redmine character set utf8;

3. Copy config/database.yml.example to config/database.yml and edit this file in order to configure your database settings for “production” environment.

Example for a MySQL database:

    adapter: mysql
    database: redmine
    host: localhost
    username: bduser
    password: bdpasswd

4. Create the database structure, by running the following command under the application root directory:

vi /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.0.2/lib/active_record/vendor/mysql.rb
Change path mysql.sock

rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=”production”

It will create tables and an administrator account.

5. Insert default configuration data in database, by running the following command:

rake redmine:load_default_data RAILS_ENV=”production”

This step is optional but highly recommended, as you can define your own configuration from scratch. It will load default roles, trackers, statuses, workflows and enumerations.

Apache service has stopping

6. Test the installation by running WEBrick web server:

ruby script/server -e production

Once WEBrick has started, point your browser to http://localhost:3000/. You should now see the application welcome page.

7. Use default administrator account to log in:
login: admin
password: admin

8. You can go to Admin & Settings to modify application settings.

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